Into the Light: SciFi Alien Romance (Dark Planet Warriors Book 5) Page 10
My erection is still pressing into her back.
“You never fail to have that effect on me,” she murmurs. “But obviously, we aren’t done yet. Let me see you.” She runs a hand over the sleeve of my robe. “One of us still has his clothes on.”
“That can easily be taken care of,” I rumble, as I gently lay her down and stand, preparing to undress.
A small, lustful cry escapes me as I appreciate Tarak in all of his naked glory.
“Is this better?” He stalks towards me, his body shimmering in the soft glow that radiates from the opaque solarcell walls.
His red eyes consume me. His lips are slightly parted, revealing the points of his fangs.
A sense of carefully restrained power radiates from him. He’s lean and muscled, his body sculpted by years of combat.
His cock is massive and erect, a trace of moisture beading at its tip.
I sit up as he comes to stand in front of me. I’m completely naked now, save for the little blue starfish stuck to my belly. Its pulsating glow tells me my baby is content.
The terrible ache in my back has magically disappeared.
I take Tarak’s cock into my hand, feeling its hard, ridged length as I curl my fingers around it. As I pump it slowly, he slips his fingers into my mouth and I suck on them. Unlike Humans, Kordolians have completely smooth fingertips, devoid of lines and whorls, but Tarak’s are marked here and there with calluses. They’re the hidden marks of violence; his hands have been shaped and scarred by the weapons he holds. I know he has dark claws hidden beneath his black fingernails, but he keeps them retracted at all times.
Kordolians are such a fascinating species.
My tongue glides over his fingers as he hooks his thumb under my jaw, tilting my face upwards. He watches me, his gaze roaming over by breasts and my rounded stomach. I increase the pressure around his cock, moving my hand up and down, holding him tighter, going faster.
A low growl issues from deep within his throat.
His other hand is on my head, his fingers twining through my hair, caressing my scalp, pulling my head back, forcing me to look into his eyes. I lose myself in those crimson depths.
He exhales and closes his eyes, shuddering a little, a low groan escaping him.
His eyelids flutter, his eyelashes starkly white against the silver-grey of his skin.
He’s so damn ethereal looking, with his angular features, sharp cheekbones and pointed ears.
Sometimes I just can’t believe that this fierce, dangerous, otherworldly creature is all mine.
What an insane fantasy this is.
He brings me back to Earth by opening his eyes and putting his large hands on my shoulders. I’m still holding and stroking his cock, my fingers moistened by his pre-cum.
“Onto your side,” he whispers, as I lay down on the bed. I curl up in the fetal position, cradling my belly, the life inside me moving reassuringly. The starfish glows blue, flaring bright then dim, echoing my mood.
I’m content, cocooned and aroused.
Tarak slides in behind me, one powerful leg hooking over mine, his strong arms curling around me. He places his hands on my swollen belly and Little Monster kicks, as if she’s saying hello to daddy.
His cock is right up against me, and with a single thrust he enters me, his ridged shaft parting the moist folds of my pussy from behind, filling me with the most wonderful, all-consuming sensation.
He wraps himself around me, huge and warm, and starts to fuck me slowly. His hands caress my pregnant belly. He’s tender and careful as he moves his hips back and forth. I lean into him, surrounded by his scent and his warmth.
I turn my head and he captures my lips, his long tongue exploring my mouth, tasting me. He nips at my lower lip with his fangs, drawing out the faintest trace of blood. A coppery tang fills my mouth, mingling with his unique, salty taste.
I close my eyes and allow myself to be totally consumed by him.
He makes love slowly, as if we’ve got all the time in the world. My body is consumed by a slow-burning fire, responding to every thrust and every caress as I surrender the last of my self-control.
I’m entirely his.
My senses are stretched taut, and I become aware of everything, all at once.
The sensation of his hard body pressing against mine, warm and strong.
The feel of his lips on mine, possessive and wanting.
The comforting caress of his hands on my stomach, gentle and protective.
The soft, steady sound of his breathing, in tune with mine.
The beat of his heart, deep and primal and unwavering.
The sheer size of him, stretching me, overwhelming me, driving me, yet again, to the brink.
It’s not fair; it’s almost too easy for him to send me spiraling into bliss. Waves of sensation begin in my core, fanning outwards, becoming stronger, more powerful, reverberating through my curled-up body.
Whenever we reach this place, time stops, the entire fucking universe stops, and it’s just the two of us.
The orgasm takes me by surprise, rippling through me and sending me to heaven.
His deep chuckle underscores my soft, high-pitched gasps.
All the while, he continues to fuck me.
And the climax builds again, then releases.
Sweet heaven and hell, this is just too much. My swollen, bloated, tender body is a quivering, erogenous mess.
As soon as this little one has been born, I may consider getting knocked up again if it’s going to be like this.
He takes his time, going deep, bringing his hands up to my breasts, fondling my nipples. I never knew my boobs could be this sensitive, giving me so much pleasure even when they’re as sore as hell.
Almost imperceptibly, he increases the intensity and speed of his thrusts, taking the greatest care with my body. He’s rough where he needs to be and gentle where he needs to be, and all I can do is lie on my side and go along for the ride.
He groans with pleasure, a rich, animalistic sound. His muscular legs have captured mine, and he bends them, bringing my knees close to my belly.
I’m wrapped up like a neat little present. He’s claimed me in both body and soul.
His hands go to my hips, sliding appreciatively over my generous flesh as he plunges deep and comes, crying out as he ejaculates.
I sigh as he holds me close, breathing in my scent.
And as he wraps his body around me, I drift into sleep, floating amongst the stars.
I permit myself to indulge in a half-sleep with Abbey curled up against me, listening with great pleasure to the twin rhythms coming from her body.
But I can’t relax completely in this unguarded, unknown location.
Although Earth is a relatively safe planet, especially with Silence guarding it from space, I can’t afford to become complacent. I’m highly tempted to bring in several Divisions of my soldiers to guard this place, but that would only alarm Abbey and cause a potential flashpoint with the Humans, jeopardizing the treaty Xalikian has worked so hard to establish. The presence of a few soldiers will not concern them, but entire Divisions?
I do not wish to cause conflict for conflict’s sake.
However, I need to remain vigilant. Back on Nova Terra, someone was following us. First, there was the drone-cam, then the spy on the roof.
Something is not right.
I’m too battle-weary and cynical to give into wishful thinking and hope it was just a harmless Human journalist. Things are rarely that simple.
Outside, it is still dark. With great care, I disentangle myself from her. I cover her with a blanket, pulling it over her bare shoulders, tucking it beneath her feet.
She remains asleep, a look of contentment on her face.
I want her to feel this way, always.
I move downstairs on silent feet, leaving my discarded garments upstairs. The only thing I take with me is my sheathed Callidum dagger. I’m entirely naked, but that doesn’t m
atter, because I throw out a silent mental command, activating the nano-particles that lie dormant in my bloodstream.
Pain rips through every part of my body as the nanites swarm through muscle and sinew, appearing on the surface of my skin as tiny black dots at first. The dots mesh together to form an impenetrable network of armor that covers my entire body from neck to toe.
Because the nanites are fluid, my armor has extreme flexibility. The Callidum particles fused to the nanites make it impossibly strong and lightweight.
It’s the perfect defensive armor, turning my body into a weapon.
It is possibly one of the single most advanced feats of technology in the known universe.
I enter the small courtyard in the center of the house, the gravel crunching slightly underfoot as I identify a metal pipe that seems to serve the purpose of collecting water from the roof.
I take a two rapid steps, grabbing onto the pipe as I propel myself up the wall with quick, vertical steps, my exo-armor enhancing my movements. I land on the roof and gaze out at the landscape below.
The land is flat and barren.
We’re on a slight hill. Aside from the odd collection of buildings that make up the Human residence, there is nothing for as far as the eye can see.
My soldiers are out there in the darkness, keeping watch. They will take turns to rest, using Darkshadow as their quarters.
They were more than happy to be excused to explore and hunt the strange jumping animals that seem to inhabit this environment in large numbers.
Zyara has taken the building adjacent to us as her quarters. I’m relieved that Abbey now has proper medical support as the time of the birthing draws near.
Walking to the side of the building, I peer over the edge, identifying the camouflaged places below where I’ve stashed my weapons.
With nothing more left to do, I sit on the edge of the roof and wait, feeling at home in the darkness.
The incessant ringing of my link-band pulls me from sleep. “Ugh, what time is it?” I rub my bleary eyes and sit up. The solarcell walls have gone dim, and the room is shrouded in darkness.
And it’s freezing.
I forgot to turn on the heaters.
“Six thirty-one A.M. You have an unidentified call.” The link-band’s neutral female voice helps me out.
Tarak isn’t here. That’s why I’m feeling so damn cold right now.
“Answer or decline? Will you answer or decline? Do you want a visual?”
I groan. Who could be calling me this fucking early in the morning? Someone in a different time zone, obviously.
Maybe it’s someone on Nova Terra. Maybe it’s someone from the hospital, wanting to talk about test results.
“Answer it,” I command, quickly trying to clear the sleep from my voice. I look around, but it’s too dark to see anything clearly. “No visual.” I can’t do a visual call right now. I’m not wearing anything.
Where the hell is Tarak?
“Miss Kendricks, this is Doctor Asher.” The doctor’s familiar voice echoes through the speaker. For some reason,she’s speaking English, instead of the standard Universal. “I’m sorry to call you on this number, but we’ve tried to get in touch with you numerous times now. The housemaster of the Diplomatic Zone tells me you left the residence yesterday.”
“What’s this about, Lorelei?” I sit upright, activating the lights with a click of my fingers. “I don’t see how that has anything to do with you. What do you want?”
After what happened at the hospital, the time for niceties is over. I’m not afraid to be blunt with her.
“I’m just following up after our discussion at the hospital. You seemed quite stressed out, and I wanted to make sure you’d had enough time to make the right decision.”
“Of course I’ve made the right decision. Even if you have the best of intentions, I’m not dealing with anyone who works for SynCorp.”
“Are you sure you’re not under some kind of… duress?” Lorelei attempts, not very successfully, to sound sympathetic.
“What are you trying to suggest?”
“I’ll be frank with you. We all know that Kordolians have quite a, uh, reputation, and I just wanted to make sure that you haven’t been intimidated in any way; that you haven’t been forced into doing things against your will.”
I blink as my foggy brain tries to process what she’s saying. The gall of this lady is unbelievable. “You’re making a lot of assumptions, doctor,” I say quietly. “I don’t think I have anything more to say to you.”
“I know you have a lot on your plate right now, but you need to try and approach this rationally.”
“Rationally?” My voice turns sharp, conveying my anger. “Did you call me at this ridiculous hour just so you could patronize me? Please, doctor, let’s just agree to terminate the call now and not take this any further. From now on, I’ll be seeking an alternative care provider. I thought I already made that clear.”
“Miss Kendricks, I would strongly suggest you re-consider your position. If you’re incapable of making decisions that are in the best interests of your unborn child, we may be forced to report you to the ICPA.”
“The International Child Protection Agency?” I scoff. “The baby isn’t even born yet. Are you that desperate to get your hands on its genetic material? Don’t you dare try to manipulate this situation, Lorelei. You have no idea what you’re messing with.”
“Are you threatening me, Miss Kendricks?” Her voice has risen in pitch.
“No,” I say mildly. “I’m just telling you how it is. There’s no way I’m letting my child have anything to do with SynCorp. And I’m the nice one. Trust me, you do not want her father to know that this call ever took place. So if you’ll promise to leave us alone and never contact me on this number again, I’ll do you a giant favor and keep this strictly between the two of us.”
“I’m afraid company policy states that-”
I cut her off. “Forget it, doctor. I know how these corporations work, and trust me, whatever recognition you think you’ll be getting by following the rules won’t be worth the fallout you’ll get if you try to fuck with me and my baby.”
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting a little, Miss Kendricks?” She regains her composure. She’s trying awfully hard to sound like she’s being the reasonable one.
“I’m not going to be drawn into that kind of argument, Doctor Asher. Goodbye.” I terminate the call before she can say anything else. I’ve already given her too much airtime. With a sigh, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There’s something about this conversation that’s made me so freaking angry. I feel as if I might explode, and it’s not just because I’m hormonal.
I know what’s made me so angry. It’s because the good doctor even dared suggest she might try and separate me from my child. That didn’t go down well at all.
She’s just lucky Tarak’s not around right now. He’s the type who would wage war over something like this.
Little Monster is back to her usual bubbly self, moving around inside me. As I put my hands on my belly and lie back, my anger starts to dissolve, my mind becoming clear.
I trace my fingers over the glowing blue starfish, a little amazed that it hasn’t fallen off during sex. Curiously, I try to pull it off, but it’s stuck fast.
It’s almost as if it’s burrowed in, becoming an extension of my skin.
Weird. The old me would have been freaking out by now, but I’ve just spent six months in space, cooped up onboard a Kordolian warship as we escaped from a terrifying dark planet called Kythia.
Nothing much can surprise me anymore.
At least the star’s blue and glowing. Zyara said that was a good sign. If it turns purple, it’s a warning. If it’s pink or red, the baby’s in trouble.
It’s connected to a monitoring device that Zyara carries with her. That’s also reassuring.
I’m no clairvoyant or telepath, but base
d on dates, I’m giving it about six weeks until I hatch this daughter of mine.
A thrill of excitement courses through me. It’s the first time a Human and a Kordolian have mated, and no-one has any idea what the baby will look like.
Will she be silver or Human-toned? Will she have my eyes, or Tarak’s, or some combination of both?
Will she grow horns and fangs?
So many questions.
I can’t wait to meet her.
Speaking of daddy, where has he gone? I gather a thick blanket around me and head downstairs, the synthetic floor icy cold underfoot.
“Lights,” I say, and the downstairs area comes to life. The solarcell windows, which turn opaque at night, have gone back to clear, in preparation for the coming day. They emit a gentle light through which I can see the landscape outside. The sun is starting to creep over the horizon, a faint orange glow breaking through the darkness.
“Tarak?” I call, my voice echoing through the empty space. It’s cold down here. I shiver, adjusting the blanket around me. Underneath, I’m stark naked.
A sense of unease fills me. I don’t know if it’s the darkness or the ancient, primeval stillness of the desert, but suddenly, I feel very alone.
Where is my lethal alien when I need him?
I suddenly wish I had the black Callidum dagger Tarak had given me as a present once upon a time, when we were traveling to the Dark Planet. But silly me; I left it back on Silence, thinking I wouldn’t need it anymore.
Realistically, I’m not going to be able to do any serious damage to anyone who can walk faster than a duck. Not right now. Not in this blimp-like state. That’s what Tarak’s for.
But I would feel better with some sort of weapon around.
A lone bird cries out, making me jump.
I shake my head, telling myself not to be stupid. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, in a place that has no connectivity and isn’t on any of the modern maps.
Aside from myself and a few Kordolians, who the hell would be crazy enough to come out here?
Still, Lorelei’s call has unnerved me.
I grab a glass of water from the kitchen and step out onto the front deck, bracing against the chill. The sky is becoming lighter as blackness gives way to deep purple, shot through with the fiery red and orange of the rising sun.