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Into the Light: SciFi Alien Romance (Dark Planet Warriors Book 5) Page 4

  “Then we shall find a place that feels like home to you.” She is busy nurturing our child. She needs to feel secure and comfortable. This strange, sterile island is not where she should give birth. It has simply been a place of convenience, while we determine the terms of our alliance with the Humans. “Do not worry. Soon you will be surrounded by family. We will make our own clan. House Akkadian will be a fearsome and reputable family and you, as the mother of our children, will be at its heart. Don’t ever forget how important you are to me.”

  She bites her lower lip, looking up at me, her eyes shimmering. They are brimming with moisture. Have I upset her somehow?

  I do not understand.

  “You are such a stubborn, infuriating, precious, sweet man,” she says quietly. “Thank you for tolerating my hormonal moodiness.” She wipes something from the corner of one eye. “If it’s possible, I would like to get off this island. I feel trapped in this place. But I understand if you have political reasons for staying here. You have an alliance to build, after all.”

  “Nonsense,” I snort. “I don’t care to appease any Human except you. If there is somewhere else you’d rather be, we will go there.” Xalikian can handle the Human bullshit on our behalf. He has proven himself quite adept at navigating the Human political sphere, with assistance from his mate, Sera. “As you said before, I am taking a so-called holiday. From now on, there will be no more interference. I am yours. So tell me. Where do you wish to go? I will take you anywhere you desire.”

  “The only place I can think of is my Aunt Kenna’s house. She lives in the middle of nowhere.”

  “She does not have a fixed abode?”

  Again, she laughs softly, a sound I find pleasing. “It’s a figure of speech. She lives in the middle of the desert. She’s a bit eccentric. She hates technology, she doesn’t get along so well with ordinary people, and I love her to bits.”

  “She sounds like a sensible Human.”

  “Oh, she’s quite switched on. And she’ll love you.” Abbey says that last bit with a slight twist of her nose, telling me she’s not entirely being serious.

  “Then let us visit this relation of yours.”


  “There’s no reason to delay.”

  “Don’t you have commitments? Military stuff to do? Meetings to attend?”

  “I have been known to delegate tasks from time to time.” I’ve set up a comm link with Silence, which is circling the Earth in high orbit. My commanders and soldiers are well trained. There is no longer any need for me to be physically present on the warship.

  It is good timing, because I am also growing tired of existing inside this controlled Human enclave. For now, I’ve accepted their terms only because that is what has been expected and required for negotiations to advance smoothly.

  When we arrived on Earth, the Humans were understandably suspicious.

  But since then, a lot has happened, and we have presented them with an offer too good to refuse.

  In exchange for allowing us to inhabit their planet, we will protect them from external threats. The agreement has been drawn, the specifics have been discussed and altered to my satisfaction, and negotiations have all but concluded.

  Earth is no longer vulnerable.

  The Humans have chosen wisely.

  “I’m also tired of living in this ridiculous place,” I tell her. “And you promised me you would show me your planet. Am I to expect that all of Earth is similar to this?”

  “Of course not,” Abbey replies. “The place we’re going is very, very different to Nova Terra. We have to fly to the Oceanic Republic. My aunt lives outside a place called Teluria, which is famous for its skyport. Trust me, that place is nothing like Nova Terra. You might actually like it. And they’re used to aliens in Teluria, so if we have to go into town, you won’t have a problem fitting in. They don’t stare as much, over there.”

  “Hm.” I am still getting used to this planet and its eccentric inhabitants. Humans are complicated creatures. “Show me where you wish to go, and I will make arrangements.” We will travel the Kordolian way, in a stealth flyer. I will bring Zyara to Earth to monitor her pregnancy, and I will ensure my mate has everything she needs.

  “Yes, Sir.” She brightens at my request, her expression turning mischievous. Her green-brown eyes rake over me, making me feel desired in a way no other can. “I’ll show you another side of Earth, and all the perks that come with it.” Her tone is suggestive.

  I raise an eyebrow, indicating my sudden interest. “Will you, now?” Underneath my dark robes, my erection strains. This is how it is when I’m with her. We can be having a regular conversation, but then the smallest tendril of her scent or a certain look will be all it takes to stir my arousal.

  She does not realize the effect she has on me.

  It is always this way. Not that I am bothered in the least, but before I met her, I had never been one to easily lose control.

  She smiles sweetly; innocently. “There are many benefits to living on Earth, Kordolian, especially if you stick with me. Would you like me to explain them to you in more detail?”

  “That would be preferable,” I growl, as she turns and leads me into the house. Remarkably, her mood has improved.

  I have learnt something today. When she is unhappy, I must ask questions, and I must listen. There is much to be gained by using this approach.

  She is not an enemy or an Imperial Subject I can dominate and control through force and intimidation. She is my mate, and I must approach her concerns with care.

  Of course, I would not admit this to her, but there is much I am yet to learn.


  A ripple of excitement flutters through me as I throw some random clothes into my travel bag. Finally, three days after we talked about it, we’re getting out of this boring, sterile compound, where I have spent the last six months of my life being pregnant and slowly going out of my mind.

  Tarak’s spent most of that time traveling back and forth between Silence and Earth, attending to certain responsibilities. It turns out that when you’re the commander of an army that has deserted its Empire, you’re left with a lot of loose ends to tie up.

  Especially when said Empire chases you across the Nine Galaxies.

  Despite my protests, he wouldn’t let me accompany him.

  He refuses to let me go into space these days. He’s terrified something will happen to me. Ever since we found out I was pregnant, he’s been overly protective when he’s with me, hovering over me at every opportunity. Silence, he says, is a floating target.

  Whenever he had to leave me, he would pull two of his most elite soldiers away from the sands of North Africa where they are exterminating those horrible Xargek and send them to watch over me.

  Just in case something happened, he always told me.

  You never know when your enemies will strike next, he said.

  It’s best to be prepared, he declared.

  So I spent weeks and weeks being watched by two stoic, muscular Kordolians, who expertly shadowed me as I went about my business. I recognized them as being from the group we had left back on the asteroid mining station, Fortuna Tau.

  They were super respectful, never once intruding or getting in the way as they watched over me, but they were always there; a silent, intimidating presence, reminding me that life as I know it has irreversibly changed.

  I’m in bed with the Kordolians now. Correction: I’m in bed with the Kordolian; the one who calls all the shots. And he tells me he wants to settle down and start a family.

  For a guy who has probably seen and done terrible things in his life, he’s being remarkably considerate, in his own way.

  And now he wants to take me to a place where I’ll be comfortable for the rest of my pregnancy. For me, that’s not sterile, lifeless Nova Terra. The closest thing to home is a remote property on the outskirts of Earth’s biggest Skyport.

  Tarak’s coming with me to stay at the Kendricks family home. W
hat more could a girl ask for?

  The General keeps surprising me in weird and wonderful ways.

  He even refrained from hitting me with an I-told-you-so after our run-in with that creepy doctor at the Ishihara Hospital. I should have been a little more suspicious when my obstetrician cancelled our appointment and told me I had to see an ‘alien’ specialist.

  The whole process has disappointed me a little, but at least the preliminary tests and scans have all been normal. So far, so good. By seeking out Human doctors, I was probably just trying to get a little bit of normality in my crazy life, but I need to accept that carrying a half-Kordolian Little Monster and hooking up with a silver-skinned badass called Tarak al Akkadian means our lives together will be anything but normal.

  When I signed up with the Federation for my stint on Fortuna Tau, all I wanted was to do my time and get back to Earth as soon as possible. My plan was to get a job with one of the Big Three biotech companies, just like my father before me.

  Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined I’d be carted off to some dark distant planet by a fearsome alien warrior.

  But here I am, back on Earth in one piece and deliciously knocked up.

  Screw normal. I’ll take this over normal, any day of the week. I’ll keep my formidable Kordolian warrior, thank you very much.

  Inside me, my baby moves, fluttering about as if to tell me she approves.

  “Your daddy’s going to be such a papa wolf around you,” I murmur in my native English, snickering softly. She’s not even born yet, and already I’m feeling sorry for her future first date.

  I gather the rest of my belongings, which consist of nothing more than some basic clothes and toiletries and a small datapad. I’m traveling light. Most of my material possessions were left on Fortuna Tau, and that place has long since been turned into space-dust.

  Everything has been stuffed into an expandable Ziptech bag, and I’m pretty much ready to go. All I need now are some snacks for the hour-long flight. The cater-bot in the kitchen should be able to help me. Perhaps there will be time for it to make some blueberry white choc-chip muffins before we leave.

  I suddenly have a craving for those.

  One of the best things about returning to Earth has been the food-on-demand. Since becoming pregnant, I’ve been catching up on all the delicious snacks I missed when I was stuck in space.

  As I drop my travel bag onto the bed and head downstairs, Tarak intercepts me in the doorway, appearing out of nowhere.

  I don’t even blink. I’m over that. I’m used to his silent, stalking manner by now. He’s a familiar shadow, and I take comfort in the fact that he’s by my side. I suspect I don’t know even half of what he’s capable of, but I do know that he’s lethal.

  I also know that he would never hurt me.

  He doesn’t mean to sneak up on me; that’s just the way he moves, with fluid, soundless grace.

  “Talking to yourself again, female?” His tone is serious, but his crimson eyes are full of mirth. “You’ve been doing a lot of that lately.”

  “I was just telling our little one what kind of a father I think you’ll be,” I reply.

  “Oh? And what kind of parent do you assume I will be, woman?”

  “An overprotective one, naturally.”

  “Would you expect anything less?”


  “Good.” He gives me a slow burning up-and-down look. A warm sensation threads its way through me, coiling in my belly. My heart pounds. Heat spreads through my cheeks, and my lips part ever so slightly.

  He’s standing in front of me, so close that his unmistakable scent surrounds me. I take a slow, shuddering breath, inhaling deeply.

  “There has been a delay,” he rumbles, as he draws me close. He places his large hands on each of my temples, threading his fingers through my loose hair. My usually short hair has grown longer since we left Kythia. He seems to like it that way.

  I blink as I look up, meeting his gaze. “But the trans-pacific skyflyer is due to leave on the hour. They’re never late.”

  He stares at me as if I’m speaking a language other than Universal. “We are not traveling on some crowded Human transport like common slaves. I’m tired of relying on Human technology. I’ve sent for my own flyer. It will be arriving shortly. But until then,” he traces his fingers down my cheek, extending his pinky to caress my lips. “We have time.”

  I take his finger between my lips, sucking on it. A low, throaty growl escapes him. Desire burns in his dark red eyes, threatening to consume me with its intensity.

  “I thought the Federation didn’t want you operating Kordolian aircraft in Earth’s atmosphere.”

  “I don’t give a shit about what the Federation wants.” Tarak lifts me effortlessly into his arms. “We have been more than co-operative with your people, but I am tired of these endless Human routines and rules and this senseless bureaucracy. Why do Humans obsess over forms and documents? Is a written agreement going to stop me from doing what I want?” His ears twitch slightly, betraying his frustration.

  I suspect I’m the only person in the Universe who thinks that little trait of his is endearing.

  “Poor baby,” I say softly. “Have my people been driving you nuts with their demands?”

  “I haven’t encountered a species more obsessed with procedure and detail than Humans.”

  “Tell me about it,” I agree, as he drops me gently onto the bed. “You’re not the only one. It used to annoy the hell out of me too. But I guess we Humans have been conditioned to accept these things. If we didn’t try to organize ourselves, Earth would have descended into chaos a long time ago.”

  His distracting hand pushes my dress up over my thighs. I’m on my back, and he comes up over me, his hand sliding down the bare skin of my inner thighs, raising gooseflesh on my legs. He leans in and kisses me, his tongue darting between my lips, applying pressure, his kisses deep and hungry and wanting.

  His sharp fangs graze my lower lip.

  He’s savoring me.

  He brings his naughty hand over my pussy, which is already wet. He strokes me through the thin fabric of my underwear, making me gasp.

  “We’ve already been here today,” I say weakly. It’s not a complaint; more a statement of fact.

  “We have,” he agrees, using his other hand to untie the belt at my waist. The thin grey dress falls open, revealing the swell of my belly and my full breasts, straining against my soft, thin bra. He slides it down over my shoulders, leaving me unclothed, in only my underwear. The ever-present fluttering movements of my baby fade into the background as Tarak’s attentions take center stage.

  He stares at my breasts. Throughout the pregnancy, they’ve grown. He fumbles with my bra, a sense of urgency overtaking him as he tries to figure the garment out. He unclasps it and my breasts spring free. They’re full and pendulous and slightly tender. Faint stretch marks decorate the undersides, and my areolae and nipples have enlarged and darkened.

  Right now, they are exquisitely sensitive.

  Taking care not to press on my stomach, he brings his lips to my breast, kissing my bare skin. “These have grown nicely,” he says approvingly. A wonderful tingling sensation radiates from every place that his lips touch, sending a pleasurable shiver down my spine.

  His lips close over my nipple, which is a little bit sore. But as he sucks on it, the pain disappears. His mouth is warm and moist, and his tongue is oh-so gentle as it glides over my sensitive flesh. I exhale slowly, closing my eyes.

  If the sex was incredible before, it’s now become Earth-shatteringly amazing, thanks to the changes my body has undergone.

  As he sucks on my nipple, his fingers are caressing my pussy. They’re tantalizingly warm through the moist fabric of my underwear.

  My mate is such a good multitasker.

  I let out a soft cry as he hooks his fingers underneath the elastic of my panties and tugs them downwards, sliding them over my legs.

  He moves to
my other breast, treating it with the same amount of care. Intense arousal courses through me, making my pussy throb with need. It’s as if every single nerve ending has been dipped in liquid pleasure.

  His tongue circles my nipple, making me gasp with delight. He looks up, responding to my vocalized pleasure with a fanged smile.

  Oh, he’s the perfect picture of arrogance, completely sure of himself. He knows exactly how helpless I am before him, and he enjoys it.

  “Your body pleases me in this state,” he growls, dragging the tip of his finger over the moist flesh of my pussy. He chuckles softly as I whimper, craving his touch. “I can make you climax just with the tip of this finger.”

  I try to give him my best withering stare, but it probably comes across as more of a pleading look. Damn him. Right now, I’m a hot mess. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Hm.” He lets his finger do the talking, carefully watching my face as he slides between my sensitive folds.

  “Oh,” I gasp, as he starts to move his finger back and forth.

  “Yes,” he agrees smugly. I struggle to find a witty comeback in the deep, pleasure-fogged recesses of my brain, but the only thing that comes out of my mouth is a breathless gasp.

  He’s staring straight at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. His deep red irises are shot through with flecks of black, and they burn into me as he slides out and finds my clit with his lubricated finger.

  “A-ah,” I utter as he touches that tender nub for the first time. His touch sets of a little explosion of pleasure down there, making me squirm. My legs flail about as my body seems to take on a life of its own.

  It’s no longer under my control.

  I watch his face as he pleasures me. This severe Kordolian warrior has turned into a male who exists to please me, on his terms. A rare smile graces his features, transforming his face. He’s smug and pleased and possessive and considerate, all at the same time. This is his secret bedroom expression, reserved only for me.

  He brings his thumb into play, slowly rolling my clit between thumb and forefinger, generating new sensations that I never would have thought possible.